Documenting Learning — Holochain/ Resonance Science Academy
Started with this video:
“… a framework for applications where there is no need for corporations to own the protocols and the servers.” — Eric Harris-Braun
“You have trillions of cells in your body coordinating this impressive accomplishment without having to sync everything to a global ledger.” — Arthur Brock
Both Arthur and Brock had different ways of explaining Holochain and I was able to easily understand what they were talking about. I liked Arthur’s approach of using biology. Before I even knew about Holochain I had identified 2 big flaws with blockchain… 1. The need for group consensus. Nature doesn’t work like that when dealing with information. 2. Built on scarcity. If there is a cap to anything without a clear path to continuous forking and flow, won’t hold up. It’s just more of the same.
After this video I was inspired to find connections between Holochain and the work of physicist Nassim Haramein. I’ve been following his work for several years and recently enrolled in the Resonance Science Academy’s Unified Physics course. Enrollment is Free right now.
Black holes have the capacity for stability and the perfect compression for energy and information structures for a stable universe to exist. …. Understanding these physics help me to understand Holochain. I wonder if the Holochain people have looked into such things. Like entaglement.
Once the apps start functioning and it grows, new businesses will emerge to meet the needs of the people in new ways. I see new infrastructure being built for needs we can’t really foresee just yet. We have the chance to start new economies and ways of exchanging value. That will allow us to create in new ways. Then I got real deep and thought… if we create a system that is close enough to what nature uses, maybe we can one day link into that system nature uses…. Because clearly communication is happening. The earth has its own network and all the organisms that live on it are connected to it but run their own applications. Perhaps we could do what shamans and medicine people have been doing forever and directly communicate with that natural network.