Personal Trial and Error Data
I was raised in a society where cannabis was illegal; as prohibition is being lifted we now have the freedom to author more informed and healthier habits. Under prohibition the goal with weed was to get fucked up as fast and cheap as possible. The usage behavior and the illegal nature of usage created an rule-breaking stoner culture. This culture identified with certain qualities of cannabis — for example, the ability to numb trauma was portrayed as sitting on a couch watching cartoons all day. In reality, the illegal nature of the activity forced people to seek isolation, this isolation and ability to focus gave into a loner sub-culture.
Legalized cannabis will get us out of basements and nature walks. We will use the calming effects in our daily economic ventures to reduce fear, perform better, sleep, and manage stress.
Cannabis Dulls
The apathetic stoner is another hyper-cartoonization based on a cannabis quality to inoculate stress. Part of being “high” is having low levels of the stress hormone cortisol. So, under methodical cannabis usage, this ability to be emotionally resilient is an enabler for risk taking. If I know I can take a risk for whatever the outcome I know I can use cannabis to help keep my emotions regulated, I’ll be more likely to take more risks.
In place of saying “risks equal rewards” I find more utility in saying “risks equal consequence.” Measuring consequence is a better than seeking rewards, as every entrepreneur will tell you, for every success their is a minimum of 20 failures. Cannabis helps me press forward when failure would otherwise be paralyzing.
In my new venture to write a book about the Token-economics of adult blockchain ecosystems I will document my cannabis usage and give some structured data of usage and performance.