Gotta be an evolutionary function to this desire
I make my own kombucha, which is made me aware of the importance of gut-health. I see my family’s diet as not only healthcare, but also as mental healthcare. Our guts are connected to our thoughts and moods and keeping the gut balanced is an important factor in living a balanced life.
I’m also aware of the practice of Fecal Transplants — where great healing occurs when healthy fecal matter is transplanted into unhealthy guts.
So, when I started a sexual relationship with one of those “workout too much guys,” I started getting this strong desire to push his legs back during oral sex and perform analingus. I’ve heard jokes about how god must be a plumber, because only a plumber would run a sewage line through a playground — but what if our sewer-pleasure zone is clever design and not a design flaw?
I have no scientific evidence this sex partner has a balanced gut, but his physical shape and disciplined diet are strong indicators in that direction. And what of this desire of mine to put my mouth down-there?!